I trust everyone had a great Christmas and New Year celebration with your family and friends. If you are like me, you miss meeting and being with your fellow Rotarians. Fortunately, we get to assemble again this week in two days, Friday, Jan 8th.
We will have a guest speaker, Dawud Mabon, who will join us live at the Hidden Creek Golf Course at 7:00am. Mr. Mabon is a certified John Maxwell Coach, and a member of the Arlington Highlands Rotary, where he serves as the Director of Youth Services. He will be talking to us about, "Law of Trade-Offs", which sounds very interesting.
As we begin the new year, I want to encourage everyone to join our meetings in person, or virtually. We are averaging about 15 members at our meetings, but we have 41 members in our Rotary Club.
If you cannot join us at Hidden Creek Golf Course, please join us by way of the ZOOM conference. Simply use this link: https://us02.zoom.us/j/5975078182 and use pencode 12345.