This Friday, July 24th we will meet on the ZOOM conference site again.
We have no word on when we can have our first in-person meeting. Hopefully before our September meeting date.
During our last Board meeting, we discussed a District Grant project that would source masks for our local school teachers. Rhyan Anderson is taking the lead on this project along with Brooke Justice, who will do the write up for the District. These masks will be designed with the school logo on one side and the Rotary logo on the other side. When the schools open up, we want to be a part of the safe recovery of our classrooms.
We are also working on the Chairman for the Flag Program. Rhyan Anderson has volunteered to manage the receivables and keep the spreadsheet up to date, which is the lion's share of the work. Now we need help in each housing area, (areas to be defined) on the flag day if someone gets missed. This will be minimal effort to go to the house and place a flag. If you would be willing to be one of these housing area captains, please call me.
Our guest speaker will be Mr. Josh Light from Green Knight Digital LLC, who will speak to us about "Hacking" businesses.
The ZOOM meeting Number is 5975078182, pass code 12345
https:/ pass code 12345
I look forward to seeing everyone on the ZOOM this Friday July 24th.