"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry" as the saying goes. Sorry folks we are bound by a limit on group gathering size, no more than 10 in group.
So, we will step back and regroup into the ZOOM technology for a few more weeks.
This Friday, July 10th we will focus on the turnover and some recognition, so we will not have a separate program. We are proud of the accomplishments of Elijah Bruette and look forward to his continued assistance as the Past President. We want to say a special thank you to our Board of Directors; Bette Childress, Secretary; Laurie Montgomery, Treasurer; Teresa Reeves, Youth Services Director; Rhyan Anderson, Local Civil Service Director; and Brooke Justice, International Service Director. These folks deserve our gratitude and respect for a job well done.
During this meeting we want to address the Golf Tournament and the Flag program.
The ZOOM meeting Number is 5975078182, pass code 12345
https:/zoom.us/j/5975078182 pass code 12345
I look forward to seeing everyone on the ZOOM this Friday July 10th.