     Fellow Rotarians, 
     We had a presentation today by Dr. Hallie Shaede on the Spectrum of Therapeutic Equine Partnered Services (S.T.E.P.S.) model. If you missed it you missed a great introduction to a needed service.
     Lisa Keese informs us that Meals on Wheels will be allowing us to deliver meals soon and she needs to know how many Rotarians in our club would be available to help deliver meals. Our delivery is every Friday at 11:30 pickup. Lisa's plan is to put everyone on a rotation depending on how many we have sign up. The goal is to have 10-12 people, which would mean each person would be delivering every 10-12 weeks.  Please email Lisa Keese if you are interested and please include your cell phone number in your email so Meals On Wheels can send you a reminder text.
  Call or Email Lisa today: 817-233-9226
Russell Hampton
ClubRunner Mobile

Rotary 2020-2021 Theme | Rotary Club of Rochester Risers
Jack Mattson
President 2020-2021